Old Style Conjure Zip It Shut Candle


 Old Style Conjure is once again offering fixed candles for you to burn at home. The candle is dressed and blessed by Mama Starr Casas. These candles are fixed with herbs, roots and oils and they are empowered with prayer. You simply have to light them and pray your petition over them.


Zip It Shut Candle

Are you fed up with gossip, lies, and deceitful tongues? Zip It Shut vigil burning service is alleged to do the trick and will be worked through strong prayers to tie down those liars, nosy folks, and slanderers. This is what you need to “put mess on ice.” If you want all gossip and backbiting to be “out of sight, out of mind” then Zip It Shut is for you!


Old Style Conjure Condition Candles